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Get the Compensation You Deserve – Let Us Represent Your Pedestrian Accident Case



Every two hours, a pedestrian dies in the United States.

A pedestrian is considered any person that is on foot, whether they are walking, jogging, running, lying down, or hiking, and is involved in a collision with a motor vehicle. Most pedestrian accidents occur in urban areas, just as Houston, Texas. Thousands of pedestrians become severely injured due to driver negligence. In addition to driver negligence, pedestrian accidents occur due to poor driving conditions, mechanical failures in traffic signs, or bicyclist negligence.
In efforts to reduce the number of pedestrian accidents, Houston pedestrian accident attorney, Zakaria, advises pedestrians and drivers to follow certain driving and walking protocols.

When Your Employer Denies Your Injury

It is the responsibility of a driver to obey all driving laws, and to drive carefully. Driving carefully includes obeying guidelines such as:

Remaining alert at all times

Obeying speed limits, especially during various weather conditions such as snow, rain, and sun

Refraining from utilizing distracting devices such as cell phones, GPS navigation systems, and other distracting tools

Refraining from driving fatigued

Paying extra attention in areas pedestrians are likely to be such as parking lots or busy intersections

Being cautious of pedestrians not following traffic laws and are jaywalking through traffic lights

Pedestrian Responsibilities in Texas

Many accidents involving pedestrians occur in the evening when pedestrians are harder to see. To help prevent these accidents, pedestrians are advised to wear bright and reflective clothing that drivers can easily see. Pedestrians are also responsible for the following:

Following traffic signals, such as walking when the pedestrian is signaled to “walk.”

Refraining from exiting the crosswalk when crossing the street

Refraining from utilizing cell phones or other distracting gadgets when crossing

Being cautious in instances or areas vehicles are not likely to see you

Obeying the “right of way” should only cross in those instances. A pedestrian’s “right of way” varies from state to state.

Pedestrian Responsibilities in Texas

Many accidents involving pedestrians occur in the evening when pedestrians are harder to see. to help prevent these accidents, pedestrians are advised to wear bright and reflective clothing that drivers can easily see. Pedestrians are also responsible for the following:

Following traffic signals, such as walking when the pedestrian is signaled to “walk.”

Refraining from exiting the crosswalk when crossing the street

Refraining from utilizing cell phones or other distracting gadgets when crossing

Being cautious in instances or areas vehicles are not likely to see you

Obeying the “right of way” should only cross in those instances. A pedestrian’s “right of way” varies from state to state.

Contact a Houston Pedestrian Accident Attorney